The agent side of agent blending with dialer and other media

When a peak situation occurs in e.g. a queue for incoming telephony, the agents normally working with dialer campaigns can automatically be logged out from CallGuide Dialer and logged in to the queue in need. When the peak subsides, the agents are automatically switched back to handle the dialer campaigns.

When you as an agent is borrowed from a dialer campaign the following occurs:

  1. The support function Dialer campaign is closed.
  2. You see a message explaining that you are logged out from the campaign and logged into a specific custom work level, named Borrowed from dialer
  3. When you click OK you get ready to accept the contacts waiting in a queue belonging to any of the services you have access rights to work with.

When the queue situation is resolved, the borrowing of extra resources from campaigns is no longer needed. This is what happens then:

The enabling of the Agent blending with dialer and other media function, is made in CallGuide Admin, see Temporary workforce from dialer campaign .

Also see Basics about dialer campaign.


Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB